Patriarchate of Moscow
Diocese of Sourozh
Bishop Basil of Sergievo
94a Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 6JT
Great Britain
Tel: (44) 1865512701
Fax: (44) 1865 512882
8 June 2006
His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople New Rome
Rum Patrikligi, Halic-Fener
Istanbul 34220
Your All-Holiness,
With reference to my previous petition of 2 May 2006 to be accepted as a bishop within the Ecumenical Patriarchate and my appeal to the Ecumenical Throne after my forcible retirement on 14 May 2006 I wish to make it clear that I have acted in both cases on the understanding that the Ecumenical Throne has, on the basis of Canon 28 of the Council of Chalcedon, a worldwide jurisdictional presence outside the boundaries of the traditional autocephalous and autonomous Orthodox Churches that enables it to take of right the canonical decisions it feels necessary for the good of universal Orthodoxy.
Asking for your holy prayers, I am
Your humble servant in Christ,
+ Basil