Your Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, most beloved brother in Christ,
Your Eminences and Graces,
Your Grace Bishop Evmenios of Chora,
Mr Andrew Ponsford, Principal of the School,
Blessed and Beloved Children in the Lord,
Today we are filled with much joy and immense pleasure with the blessing that has been bestowed upon Our Modesty to be visiting this renowned and esteemed College of St John, whose reputation far exceeds the boundaries of this great city.
At the same time, we are filled with a surplus of gratitude by the obvious warmth and hospitality with which the community of St John’s College has enveloped us; your welcoming arms fill our heart with gladness, and we are especially moved by your kindness and generosity.
Our heart is, indeed, also filled with much delight as we recall the words of King Solomon in the Old Testament, “educate children and they will give delight to your heart” (cf. Prov 29:17). Standing before the radiant energy of all students here today, in whose eyes we behold a boundless enthusiasm and thirst for learning, we are not only deeply touched and honoured, but also grateful to our merciful and gracious God.
We are especially proud of the College of St John, which has literally taken leaps and bounds forward thanks to the vigilant oversight and solicitude of your beloved Archbishop Makarios. Indeed, from the very first moment of his arrival in 2019, his paternal care and concern played a decisive role in providing the required impetus for this wonderful institution to flourish.
Education is the cornerstone upon which great societies and civilizations are built. Indeed, within the word ‘education’ is contained the Latin term ‘dux’ which means ‘leader’. It is education which will stand our young people in good stead to become tomorrow’s leaders, scholars and visionaries who will make a positive contribution in society and difference within the world more broadly.
More specifically, St John’s College—as indeed all Orthodox Day Schools here in Australia—were established by the Church with a clear vision and mission: from their very outset, they came into existence to foster within the minds and hearts of students a deep awareness and familiarity with all those sacred and sacrosanct values that have continued to preserve the cohesion of our Greek Orthodox identity, especially through difficult times.
It is precisely such an education which will provide students with a genuine foundation out of which they will be able to discover and experience a deeper and more spiritual meaning to life, allowing them to truly flourish and thrive into the future. Undoubtedly, this foundation and flourishment in learning and truth is intimately connected to Jesus Christ our Saviour, who promised that if we abide in Him, we will “know the truth, and the truth will make [us] free [καὶ γνώσεσθε τὴν ἀλήθειαν, καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς]” (Jn 8:32). For this reason, we need to inspire in children the freedom to follow Christ and to give room in their hearts for Him to guide them throughout their lives.
It is of immense importance that our educational institutions offer this more ‘integral’ approach to education, empowering students to be able to open their eyes to a sense of wonder and beauty of the world; a sense of admiration and amazement for all layers of reality, not only the physical, but also the cultural and ‘metaphysical’ as well, namely, the endless horizon of God’s world and the spiritual realities beyond.
My dear children, as you continue upon your noble quest to receive such an excellent education offered to you at this school, irrespective of the path that you might choose to follow, never lose sight of the values that define your character and shape your destiny with which you have been bequeathed at this School. Let compassion, integrity of character, humility, and above all, hearts filled with love for God, your fellow human beings and the world, be your guiding stars; these alone will illuminate your path with wisdom and grace.
Above all, keep close to your heart the truth that true greatness does not lie in the many accolades that you might receive or the possessions that you might amass, but rather in the kindness that you will show to others and the selfless love that you will share with the world around us. In this regard, the great Apostle to the Nations, St Paul, reminds us: “Let your love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord” (Rom 12:9-11). These are the priceless values and ethos which will not only give you true happiness in life, but also allow you to make a vital contribution to society tomorrow.
In celebrating the centenary anniversary since the establishment of this Eparchy of the Ecumenical Throne in the Antipodes, it is incumbent upon all of us both to commemorate and celebrate the valiant efforts and admirable sacrifices, but also the striking tenacity, of all those forebears, who arrived onto the shores of this wonderful Country, most concerned to establish Churches and Schools, as they were fully aware of their immense significance for the spiritual and cultural grafting of the Greek Orthodox faith within this great Nation.
Indeed, the future success of all our Orthodox Schools will depend upon moving forward with this same vision, since education and the Church go hand in hand. For this reason, we urge all to continue to work together, united and in harmony, with one mind and spirit with our most beloved Brother in Christ, Archbishop Makarios, who has been placed by the Holy Great Church of Christ here in the Fifth Continent to oversee God’s people. He is a most competent, compassionate and charitable spiritual Shepherd, in whom ‘we have complete confidence’ (cf. 2 Cor 7:16).
In closing, let us give thanks for the precious gift of education, and let us pledge to use it wisely and compassionately for the betterment of humanity and the world more broadly. With this hope, we wish you the richness of our Lord’s blessing to all of you personally and to your beloved ones. Christ is in our midst!